The Number One Cause of Tooth Loss
Many people think that most teeth are lost because of decay.
But the main reason is gum disease. Sometimes there are no
pain or symptoms right up to the point of losing your teeth.
Symptoms of bleeding gums during brushing or flossing and
teeth that are loose or shift mean you need to contact us
immediately so we can take care of this problem in its
earliest stages. In advanced stages, gum surgery is usually
needed. But prior to that point, there are nonsurgical
methods that combat the problem very effectively.
Disease Can Contribute to Serious Health Problems
The American Dental Association has provided statistics that
show a startling 80% of the adult American population has
gum (periodontal) disease at some stage. This is a shocking
percentage that dentists consider to be an epidemic. Medical
research has also identified a link between gum infection
and the life-threatening conditions of stroke, diabetes,
respiratory afflictions, and heart disease. Dentists now
regard gum disease as a much more serious problem than
losing your teeth.
The bacteria of periodontal disease does not just remain in
the gums. It travels throughout the bloodstream and infects
other vital organs. The American Academy of Periodontology
reports that “studies found periodontal infection may
contribute to the development of heart disease, increase the
risk of premature, underweight births, and pose a serious
threat to people whose health is already compromised due to
diabetes and respiratory diseases.”
Good News in Reversing the
Once the gum infection reaches a critical level, surgery is
the solution to save your teeth. With infections in a lesser
stage, nonsurgical methods together with improved dental
hygiene can produce very good results. Both approaches are
generally covered through most dental insurance plans.
It’s Important to Have All Your
Even just one missing tooth can develop into other problems
that you will want to avoid. Chewing often becomes
difficult, and food choices may change from healthier foods
that require more chewing to softer foods that are less
nutritious but easier to chew. These types of foods often
result in weight gain. And chewing with missing teeth
results in obtaining fewer nutrients from any type of food
you eat.
The lack of a full set of teeth may not only be embarrassing
in appearance, but also when speaking. Certain words may
become slurred or difficult for others to understand. Your
facial appearance may change, making you look older than
your age as your face takes on a sunken look.
We offer the best solution to the problems of missing teeth
with dental implants. They are a natural-looking, fully
functioning replacement for as many teeth as are missing. No
one will be able to tell they are not your natural teeth,
and you will be pleased how they help to remedy all the
problems associated with missing teeth.
Sheboygan Dental Care
Robert W. Schoenenberger, DDS
2202 Indiana Avenue
Sheboygan, WI 53081
(920) 452-8042
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